Take Advantage of Summer’s Arrival!

With summer tapping us on the shoulder just after Memorial Day, it’s time to take advantage of the increase in business that warmer temperatures can bring. This year holds a particular advantage over last year, as national gas prices are nearly a dollar cheaper than they were just a year ago. This means that consumers feel that they have more money in their pocket to spend, which can be good news for your business!

Here are a few ideas to take full advantage of summer’s arrival:

Tie into local events that get people out of their homes.
Warmer weather means a big surge in outdoor events, like summer concert series, outdoor movie nights, and craft fairs. Find a way to make these events an opportunity for your business. Consider running special pricing for events near your location, or even become an event sponsor.

Market your business at outdoor festivals.
Outdoor festivals are a great way to gain direct contact with potential customers. Research information on outdoor festivals in your area to find one to participate in by offering free samples or hosting a drawing for free services.

Run seasonal pricing specials.
Experiment with creating and using a “loss leader”. Just make sure to keep track of how the promotion is performing. This enables you to track performance, and make tweaks to get specials to be the most effective and engaging.

To learn more about taking advantage of summer’s arrival, and to read the entire article, please visit www.inc.com.